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實踐信仰  以基督的愛服務社群

To actualize our belief through serving the community with the Love of Christ

認識我們 About us: 圖片

中心簡介 Introduction


Our center is committed to providing "one-stop" services to approximately 45,000 residents in the district. We provides two premises for user that including the community center and the King Kung House. We have four core services: guidance and counseling, supportive, socialization and developmental services. Through a different service approaches and means to respond to the needs of the community and users.

服務目標 Service Objectives

兒童及青少年成長(Children and youth development):​​


 We provide children and youth with developmental activities which can help them to utilize their  spare time and enhance their physical and mental health.

家庭生活教育(Family life education):


We provide education and activities which aim at strengthening the bonds in families.


社區支援(Community support):


To respond to community problems by providing support and counseling services for individuals and families in need .

服務對象 Service Targets

個人會員  (6至24歲青少年)

Individual member (aged 6-24)


家庭會員  (家座中至少1名6至24歲成員)

Family with members aged 6-24

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